Monday 12 August 2013

Sing in a Band

I have always enjoyed a little sing song every so often.

Family parties with my brother Craig on the guitar and the whole family singing “When I’m 64” or many a Five Penny Piece track, “That’s Amore” has always been a family favourite, especially my great-uncle Ron, who would always start us off at any Italian restaurant, birthday, wedding, in fact any time he could, or even me playing the keyboard and the family all singing along, we have always been a "vocal" family.

When I was about 12 or 13, I watched a film called “The Commitments”. Jimmy Rabbitte’s efforts to form the “world’s hardest working band” and I fell in love with the music.  As soon as Andrew Strong (Deco) pelted out the words to Mustang Sally with his gravelly voice I was hooked.

Now, like most people I enjoy a sing in the shower or the car, but singing on a stage in front of a crowd is always a daunting task, but a few beers and Karaoke, the fears seem to go away.  When I worked in the pubs I was dragged up on the Karaoke stage and after a while you get used to it the fears seem to subside.

Clare’s mum, Sue, is a massive Karaoke fan and often delights the Talacre audiences with her angelic voice.   So every time Clare and I go to the caravan, Sue will always be asking, “what you singing for us Danny?”

I have never really wanted to join a band due to the time and effort that is needed.  However, at my Uncle Rob and Elaine’s wedding, August 2013, we were enjoying the Rouges of Rythym thoroughly as they pelted out classics such as “Stuck in the Middle with you”, “Build Me Up Buttercup” and "500 Miles", but then I heard the opening bass line of Mustang, Clare’s face dropped, “No Danny” she said.

I'd had a few drinks at the wedding breakfast and a couple of pints more after, there was no fear. So to the dismay of my lovely wife, and little niece and pretty much the rest of the wedding party I approached the band and said “may I join you for this one?”

The singer (who looked too much like a shorter version of Big Eddie) gave me a test as I joined him in singing the second verse sharing the microphone.  He then turned to me and said, “Take it Danny”….so I did!

I hope I didn't embarrass anyone too much. Apart from myself!
Luckily, with technology being as it is now, no drunken antics can be done at a wedding without photographs appearing on Facebook before you have even woken up the next morning, or your brother taking a little video in High Definition

Anyway, I am available for weddings, christenings and all other occasions!

Congrats to Rob and Elaine, thank you for a great night and party!

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