Sunday 18 August 2013

Home Make-Over

The finished product

I think you will all agree that it looks completely different and much better, it as been three months of work and Terry has been superb!

 Before: Mainly weeds instead of grass, burnt yellow, old shed.

After: Lush green grass, nice shiny new shed

Thanks to my Dad as well for his expert fence building, even though I did manage to throw a lump hammer at his foot.

The front of our house seemed to be a collection point for rubbish from school kids, and the weeds here would have made triffids shy away.

But now - it looks superb with our new shiny fence

Laying the Turf

Just before the monsoon season hit, our turf was delivered.  Terry (Clare's Dad) who had taken the garden as his personal project was happy to mulch the soil and lay the turf to finish the garden project finally.

I was getting little updates from Clare as the day progressed and came home from work to find the garden complete.

Thank you Terry for all your hard work with this, it is really appreciated

In with the new, next door with the old

 Whilst we were partying with Uncle Rob and Elaine at their wedding our shed was being delivered and built. With the new shed up and sorted, and my Dad putting up shelves it was time to clear out the old shed, transfer the locks and shift the old one over the fence next door to our new neighbours.  With the help of Keiran, we pushed the old shed into position and our garden seemed to grow in size and we also realised that our sunflowers had grown....albeit, sideways

Now just a little mulching and churning and the new turf will be ready to go down.

Foundations for a new shed (and a nice pathway)

Thanks again to Terry for deciding that the final day of the hottest 16 consecutive day since 1996 that he should lay the foundations to our new shed and continue the paving.

An awesome job that would have taken me months to do was done in a single afternoon

Our new shed is due on the 9th August, so we can relax till then
 Again, Thanks to Terry!
(Now go home and relax!)

How did you spend the hottest day of the year?

Firstly it started with the bedroom, adding more storage and making it more tranquil
Then the bathroom had a make over, again to add more storage, get rid of the "Grasshopper" green colour and put new flooring down.

As little jobs go, these did take a little time and with the help of our Dad's, they seemed quite easy

We are very happy with the results.

So then on to the monster task.

Our garden, initially laid by Vesta Homes, has been bereft of grass for some time, generally consisting of weed, clover and other strange growths.  So the decision was made to dig up and re-turf.

After planning mid-week, and Summer eventually here, digging commenced.

Two things I did not cater for were the 13th and 14th of July being the hottest days of the year, and our next-door neighbours having their housewarming party (in the garden) with BBQ and beer.

So with an audience of drunk neighbours all giving me support, and blistering heat I ploughed on.

The only way I can describe the day is 6 hours of step aerobics.  Step on to the spade and dig, step onto the spade and dig, step onto the spade and dig......

Eventually, the first day was done.  Physically knackered and caked in dirt.  It was time for a shower and out on the town for Bill's Stag Do

With a huge pile of turf and another day of digging and shifting ahead, I was well in need of a deserved pint or two

Day two commenced with the same motivation. however the tiredness from only getting in at 2am and the day before's aches and pains still there, the motivation did not last.

Luckily, Clare's Dad had come to lend a hand, few words of wisdom and a extra spade.  Digging commenced and clearing all the turf seemed a little easier with two attacking it and eventually the garden was clear.  Again, aches and pains started to kick in and day two was complete. (Thanks Terry!)

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